My experience of Impact Film Screening by Publicis Sapient in Gurgaon office

If you work in Publicis Sapient or have close friends in the organization, you may have come across LinkedIn posts shared on Impact film screening and Geo Circles by the employees. So, let’s understand what’s the buzz all about and why people talked about it in the first place. This film experience can change your sentiments as it is not Publicis Sapient review, but a general humane experience.  

What is the Impact Film screening?

We as software engineers work on client projects daily. Hardly we pause and think of the impact our work is making on people’s lives. Like, a doctor saves people’s lives, how can an Engineer make such a deep effect?  This is where I was proven wrong after watching this film.

The film portrays the story of an individual who is on the brink of homelessness. It describes how a government organization’s digital transformation helped thousands of North Carolina residents receive emergency assistance in a matter of weeks.

It shows how the technology and the unique digital platforms built by the PS team have a positive impact in people’s lives and improves the lives of end users.

The film screening ignited pride in PS people, as they started sharing their own impact stories.

 My experience of attending the event physically in Gurgaon

Many people came  forward and shared their experiences of watching the film, got together and clicked cool photos with the “IMPACT” lettering in RED.

When I first heard of the film screening in my company, I was curious as to why any organization would screen a movie for its employees, but to my surprise it was a one-of-a-kind initiative.

Let me tell you, the organization provided a complete theater atmosphere with ticket counters, photo booths, 12x6 feet huge screens, dim lights and popcorns to munch on. Getting popcorns during the movie was a deja-vu moment as the ambience of the theater was replicated.

After the movie ended, all the PS global leaders present during the event shared their impact stories and interacted with the audience. There were about 400+ people during the movie screening, so I thought very few will interact with leaders. But I was proven wrong, again! Organizers created small groups of 10 people, where each group consisted of senior leaders, who interacted with people candidly for about 20-30 minutes. Hence, everyone got a slice of leadership talk and a chance to share their stories with leaders. 😊

That’s all for today. For more such intriguing news, do follow my blog and keep reading Publicis Sapient employee reviews!

My experience of Impact Film Screening by Publicis Sapient in Gurgaon office My experience of Impact Film Screening by Publicis Sapient in Gurgaon office Reviewed by Sapient Work Culture on November 23, 2022 Rating: 5

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